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First Christian Church has these Ministries:
Gospel Teaching Team Ministry - Tony Crane
Finding responsive "outsiders" is an important witnessing tool, but it is also an opportunity to be blessed. It is always a special treat to take time to get to know people. First Christian Church utilizes in-home Bible studies to familiarize recent visitors and potential members with the church here at First Christian and to share the gospel, led by the minister and his wife.
Nursing Home Ministry - Luwanda Gildersleeve
Presently, First Christian Church has set up a monthly visitation to two different health care or rehabilitation centers. The elderly love to sing the old hymns of faith, and this is a great way to minister to them through song. Also, a Bible devotion is given, followed by conversation with the residents! Come be a part of this fabulous fellowship. We meet the first and second Sunday after Church!
Woman's Ministry: which includes,
  •   Hospitality
  •   Calendar Planning
  •   Kitchen, etc.
Deacons' Ministry: overseeing the
  •   Budget
  •   Building & Grounds
  •   Education.
Other Ministries:
•   Outreach Teams: (with two to four events per year) •   Prison Ministry (working with Genesis Joy House,
    I-Hope and Purpose For Your Life)
•   Barnabas (cards, phone calls, visits of
  encouragements to those on our paryer list)